Patients suffering from asthma will often be prescribed one or both of the following types of medication: The first one is the long-term controller while the other one is quick relievers. Many asthma patients claim frustration with both medications – complaints range from unwanted side effects to the difficulty of self-administration. For this reason, many will seek out acupuncturists to explore a different avenue of treatment. Many alternative healers associate asthma with a weakness of the lungs and/or kidneys and will develop a course of treatment to help stimulate and strength these areas of the body. Treatment can result in visible physical improvement, in the form of improved lung function, in addition to a better emotional/psychological state of the patient as fears about their inability to breathe begin to subside.
Thanks for your information. Accupuncture is really an effective method and in the coming future it is going to be an important form of treatment along with allopathy, homeopathy and ayurveda